Mr. Goodfellow - Alta

United Bank of Iowa recently donated $2,082 to Mr. Goodfellow. This organization, based in Storm Lake, provides winter coats, boots, hats, gloves and snow pants for children who could not otherwise afford them. They serve the Storm Lake, Alta-Aurelia, Newell-Fonda, Albert City-Truesdale, Sioux Central and Clay Central-Everly school districts. Totally funded by donations, a total of $33,184 was spent last year by Mr. Goodfellow, benefiting approximately 365 kids. The money for this donation was raised during United Bank of Iowa's UNITED TOGETHER Makes the Difference Cause Day effort.
United Bank of Iowa employees presenting the check are Sara Sennert, Julie Hahn and Cheyenne Thevenin. Dolores Cullen, representing Mr. Goodfellow, accepted the donation.